Monday, April 8, 2013

Teaching Students with Special Needs Chapter 10 & 11

After reading these chapters, I can recall students from the class that I am in now, and I can see that they fall into a few of these categories.  I think that the hard thing to do would be determining that a student does have a disability.  A teacher may think that they are lazy, tired, or just does not care about school, and the whole time they may just have a disability that keeps them from understand a certain area of study.  This worries me.  I have seen teachers get irritated at a student and just verbally tear them apart.  But, if they do not understand why they do not know how to do the work, how is yelling at them going to help?  I know that there are two proper ways to address a student that has fallen behind due to a learning disability.  There is the remediation and the compensation approach, but would the compensation approach still leave valuable information unlearned?

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