Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Teaching Students with Special Needs Chapter 6

This chapter really touched me, because I have dealt with foster children that display behavioral problems.  As a teacher, one must realize that acting out is not always just a students behaving badly for attention.  There are times when deeper issues are what drives the student to seek attention.  Some may be physically or emotionally abused at home, or may carry an even darker issue that stems from sexual abuse.  Some of these students are from troubled homes, and there the only babysitter is a television full of violence that teaches them the rude and disruptive behavior. This is why it is important for teachers to be upfront with the students, and let them know that outbursts and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.  Then if there seems to be additional issues that need to be addressed, then the teacher needs to seek the proper help for the child, and report abuse if it is evident.  A teacher can also teach a student compassion, and school may be the only place where they receive it.

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